Sredstvo za uklanjanje mrlja od FeCl3, 1kg

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Šifra proizvoda: #14424


Sredstvo za uklanjanje mrlja od FeCl3, 1kg

Completely dissolve 100 to 250 g of powder in 5 liters of water while stirring. The powder dissolves better in warm water. Store the fresh solution in a tightly closed container. Place the item or item of clothing to be cleaned in the liquid and leave to soak for about 10 minutes until the stains are no longer visible. Rinse the garments thoroughly afterwards and wash them in the washing machine.
In order to specifically remove individual stains, a small amount of powder can be applied directly to the affected areas and moistened well with water. The effect is enhanced by rubbing with a damp sponge. Wear protective gloves when working!
Close the can immediately after removal! Formation of lumps due to absorption of (air) moisture!

Download: 14424.pdf

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